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Welcome to Slightly Blue

...my new home since the passing of my old website.

Hello to all my old friends who have probably found their way here because I've begged them to show up and sign the Guestbook to make me look popular. As most of you know, I have got myself a new job and a new man so it seemed only fitting to add a new website too. Have fun looking around and don't forget to tell me what you think.



Blackberry Fairy and Toadstool Fairy. Original Diva bases by Silly Janine



Getting in touch with me

You can email me here

Comments, suggestions are most welcome. Flamers will be at the best ignored, at worst signed up for lots of junk. You have been warned.

Site of the month

by the obscenely talented Nett


Happy Birthday to...

Jo the Panther Queen



Nepotism Corner

the website of my buddy Michelle O'Leary, another Vin Diesel nut and now a published author. Whoo hoo!






The webmistress  wishes to thank  for assistance with the design of this site.